[Master Post and Index] Lucky No. 14 Reading Challenge

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hello, for this time, I wanna challenged myself to follow Lucky No. 14 Reading Challenge from Mbak Astrid @ Books To Share. Here it is:

This challenge will require you to read 14 books (or more) from 14 categories below. You can combine the books you read with other challenges, but can not use the same book for different categories in this challenge.

Try to match the categories from your TBR piles :) But if you don’t have any suitable books in your TBR – and want to find an excuse to buy a book for this challenge, that’s totally fine too!

Here are the 14 categories:

1. Visit The Country: Read a book that has setting in a country that you really want to visit in real life. Make sure the setting has a big role in the book and it can make you know a little bit more about your dream destination.
- Paris: Aline by Prisca Primasari
- Bangkok: The Journal by Moemoe Rizal
- Do Rio Com Amor by Ifnur Hikmah

2. Cover Lust: Pick a book from your shelf that you bought because you fell in love with the cover. Is the content as good as the cover?
- Kakak Batik by Kak Seto
- Dialog Sakti by Khamasasyiah
- Digital Love KK by Kancut Keblenger

3. Blame it on Bloggers: Read a book because you’ve read the sparkling reviews from other bloggers. Don’t forget to mention the blogger’s names too!
- The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo
- Student Guidebooks For Dummies by Kevin Anggara
- S.C.H.O.O.L: Chemistry by aL Dhimas
- My Creepy Diary by Ayumi Chintiami

4. Bargain All The Way: Ever buying a book because it’s so cheap you don’t really care about the content? Now it’s time to open the book and find out whether it’s really worth your cents.
- Pukat by Tere Liye
- Burlian by Tere Liye
- Unbelievable by Winna Efendi

5. (Not So) Fresh From the Oven: Do you remember you bought/got a new released book last year but never had a chance to read it? Dig it from your pile and bring back the 2013.
- Tears in Heaven by Angelina Caroline
- Little Bee by Chris Cleave
- Uwikroskop by Riescha Puri
- Gorilove by Dimas Abi Aufan
- Pictures Perfect by Pradnya Pramitha
- The Vanilla Heart by Indah Hanaco
- Penyunting Sinting by Gari Rakai Sambu

6. First Letter’s Rule: Read a book which title begins with the same letter as your name (for me, Astrid means A, and I can read anything that started with the letter A). Remember: Articles like “a”, “an” or “the” doesn’t count :)
- Ai by Winna Efendi

7. Once Upon a Time: Choose a book that’s been published for the first time before you were born (not necessarily has to be a classic book, just something a little bit older than you is okay. You can read the most recent edition if you want to)
- Roald Dahl Boxset by Roald Dahl
- Tragedi Nadra by Isa Kamari
- Go Ask Alice by Anonim

8. Chunky Brick: Take a deep breath, and read a book that has more than 500 pages. Yep, the one that you’ve always been afraid of!
- Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah by Tere Liye
- Wishing Her To Die by Jung Soo Hyun

9.  Favorite Author: You like their books, but there are too many titles. This is your chance, choose a book that’s been written by your fave author but you haven’t got time to read it before.
- Danur by Risa Saraswati
- Sepotong Hati Yang Baru by Tere Liye
- Penjual Kenangan by Widyawati Oktavia
- Cooking With You by Yoana Dianika
- Dream Catcher by Alanda Kariza

10. It’s Been There Forever: Pick up a book that has been there on your shelf for more than a year, clean up the dust and start to read it now :)
- Selamanya Cinta by Kireina Enno
- Daun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin by Tere Liye
- Everlasting Love by Moms
- F.L.U by Triani Retno

11. Movies vs Books: You’ve seen the movie adaptation (or planned to see it soon) but never had time to read the book. It’s time to read it now, so you can compare the book vs the movie.
- 7 Misi Rahasia Sophie by Aditya Yudis
- Refrain by Winna Efendi
- Madre by Dee Lestari

12. Freebies Time: What’s the LAST free book you’ve got? Whether it’s from giveaway, a birthday gift or a surprise from someone special, don’t hold back any longer. Open the book and start reading it now :D
- Heart Attack by Clara Canceriana
- Heart Out by Fei
- Jika Aku Mereka by 12 Pemenang Sayembara Kisah Disabilitas
- Creative Writing by A. S. Laksana
- Oishii Jungle by Erlita Pratiwi
- Be Mine by Sienta Sasika Novel, Monica Anggen, and Kezia Evi Wiadji
- Idolku Cantik by Dimas Abi Aufan

13. Not My Cup of Tea: Reach out to a genre that you’ve never tried (or probably just disliked) before. Whether it’s a romance, horror or non fiction, maybe you will find a hidden gem!
- Menanti Cinta by Adam Aksara
- Orang-Orang Tanah by Poppy D. Chusfani
- Miss Hola-Holic by Vanny Chrisma W.
- Antique Fuga by Ambiru Yasuko
- Hippocamous by Tom Tancin
- Dear Faris by Arian Sahidi
- K-Pop Salah Gaul by Korean Addict

14. Walking Down The Memory Lane: Ever had a book that you loved so much as a kid? Or a book that you wish you could read when you were just a child? Grab it now and prepare for a wonderful journey to the past :) Comic books or graphic novels are allowed!
- Mallory Tower Serial by Enid Blyton
- The Previlige of Youth by Dave Felzer
- Syahid Samurai by Afifah Afra
1. To complete the challenge, you have to read at least one book for each category, or total of 14 books during the challenge period. You can set your own pace and do not need to follow the categories in particular order. You can also read more than one book for each category. You have to write your reviews in your blog/FB note/Goodreads page/tumblr/etc.

2. Please write a master post about this challenge in your blog/Goodreads/FB notes/etc, and submit your link below for signing up. You can use this master post to sort down the book(s) that you’ll read for each category, and edit them later if necessary. The sign-up linky will be opened from November 12, 2013 throughout the year until December 1, 2014.

3. There are also linkies for each category of the challenge. Please submit your link of review posts for each category in their respective linkies. These linkies will be opened in January 1, 2014 until December 31, 2014.

4. At the end of the challenge, write down a wrap-up post and submit the link in the linky too. The linky for wrap-up posts will be opened until January 10, 2015 to give you more time for wrapping things up. It’s okay if you don’t finish the challenge but you are not eligible to be selected as the winner.

5. After the wrap up post linky is closed, I will pick two lucky winners who had completed the challenge for winning great bookish prizes (including book vouchers, novels, and other exclusive bookish gimmicks/goodies :) ) The prizes will be revealed soon, so please stay tuned. You must have delivery address in Indonesia to be eligible for the two grand prizes.

6. If you are an international participant who doesn’t have Indonesian mailing address, don’t worry, I’ll also choose two winners, each winner can pick any book from The Book Depository for maximum of $ 10.

7. I’ll try to write a round-up post every month and pick some of the most interesting reviews. And who knows? Probably there will be some surprise gifts and giveaways throughout the year :)
Now, let’s start this wonderful 2014 and get ready to tackle some great books!

Yep, I'm challenging myself to read more and more for this year. The books above are some of the books that I have entered in my shelves, for the futureof coursethere will be a new book, and hopefully I can finish this one challenge :)

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Review di a, Greedy Bibliophile adalah pendapat suka-suka yang sifatnya subjektif dari si empunya blog. Aku berusaha jujur, karena barang siapa jujur sesungguhnya dia masih hidup.

Aku nggak pernah memaksa kamu untuk setuju dengan pendapatku sendiri. Jangan sebel, jangan kesel, kecuali kamu mau itu menjadi beban besar yang berat ditanggung.

Boleh komentar, boleh curhat, boleh baper, tapi jangan promosi jualan obat atau agen judi bola. Tulis dengan bahasa manusia yang sopan dan mudah dimengerti ya.

Terima kasih sudah berkunjung, semoga ada cerita yang bermanfaat, jangan lupa kuenya boleh dibawa. Asal tulisan aku jangan dicomot seenak udelmu.


yang punya cerita

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